• My junior year of high school, I took my school’s AP Environmental Science Class and was assigned a community project that was oriented on helping the environment. I formed a group and we decided to plant trees at the newly built middle school to attempt to replant the nearly clear cut campus. As we considered

  • As the child of two Vietnam War immigrants born in America, I grew up sheltered, taking my good fortune for advantage. Only until I visited Vietnam did I realize that my life is amazing. I visited and volunteered at a Vietnamese special needs orphanage, distributing goods. Honestly, it was horrific. Around me were disabled adults

  • More than a third of the sperm whales found dead in the eastern Mediterranean since 2001 have been killed by plastic debris. Seven species of turtles are at risk of extinction largely to poisoning from plastic. Not to be facetious, but it is true, our oceans are drowning in plastic. My first hand experience occurred

  • I am currently a member and officer in the California Scholarship Federation (CSF) at Vista High School, which organizes and performs different community service activities. This past year, I was able to help my teacher organize a Water Walk, as an event, to help raise awareness for the third world countries who don’t have the