VOICES Podcasts

Humanity Rises VOICES is a series of student-hosted podcasts featuring extraordinary youth, business and community leaders who are passionate about creating a better world.  Join us and be inspired to find your service passion and learn how you can make a difference in the world.  You may join live and interact with the presenters, or listen afterwards. 

By participating in our VOICES podcasts (live or recorded), you will be eligible for service learning hours and scholarship awards, and will receive credit towards becoming a Humanity Rising Ambassador!

If you would like Service Learning Hours, be sure to join the Humanity Rising Group on InnerView for approval of hours.

Podcasts in this series include

What Cause Inspires You? – Find Your Service Passion!

A youth-hosted podcast featuring students who are making a difference through service.  Be inspired by their stories, and learn how you can help further their causes, or find your own service passion and make a difference!

Race To Speak Up – Help End Bullying!

The Race To Speak Up Podcast is an open and engaging conversation about bullying prevention and how to be upstanders. Devin leads a conversation with a variety of activists, entrepreneurs, and business leaders who are empowering youth to become upstanders and end bullying. How Do You Race To Speak Up?

CALM Cast – LGBTQ+ and Mental Health

Carys Mullins, creator of The CALM Blog, elevates the voices of LGBTQIA+ individuals who are affected by or who treat mental health challenges due to LGBTQ+ issues. The CALM Podcast advocates for inclusivity and equality in mental health with researched information and uplifting stories on the queer mental health experience. All allies and members of the community are welcomed to join the podcast and/or become Writers!

Behind the Screen – Help End Bullying!

Devin Moore and Dr. Sundeep Randhawa, a Chicago area psychiatrist specializing in adolescent bullying and mental health issues, discuss what cyberbullying is, cyberbullying prevention and how to be upstanders.  Dr. Randhawa provides innovative ways to effectively prevent and handle bullying.  Devin will also walk you through the Behind the Screen student-created curriculum, and how you can implement it into your school.

Creating World Peace Through Unity

Hosted by a variety of Humanity Rising Ambassadors and Steve Sarowitz, Billionaire Philanthropist, Founder of Paylocity, Film Producer and Passionate Advocate for Unity and World Peace. Steve speaks with a variety of passionate leaders who inspire youth to take action in creating greater unity in our world.

Breaking Barriers – Getting to know one another

Yar Ayache
Led by Humanity Rising Ambassador Yara Arache, the Breaking Barriers podcast focuses on bringing people from different backgrounds and experiences together to freely discuss and learn from one another. This program aims to bring about awareness, amity, and unity, through positive and thought-provoking exchanges and conversations that promote growth and learning; empowering us to uplift one another and overcome the stereotypes, stigmas, and differences that divide us.

More Voices…

Professional Perspectives – Develop Your Leadership Skills!

Professional Perspectives
This student-led podcast features a variety of professionals from different industries who are passionate about helping youth develop their leadership skills.

The Spirit of Success – How to integrate service into your everyday life

Join Yara as she interviews accomplished professionals and celebrities about how they integrate service into their lives and careers, what success means to them, the role of youth in today’s society, advice they have for youth and others interested in pursuing a similar career path. Join Yara and her guests as they encourage and inspire you to challenge yourself and make your spirit soar to new heights!


If you’re interested in leading a Humanity Rising VOICES podcast, please contact us at ambassadors@humanityrising.org

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