• Absolutely! Each will be considered on its own merits. Also, if you submit a service story but do not earn a scholarship…feel free to submit that story again after a few months if you have continued that specific volunteer / service project endeavor and have achieved additional, positive outcomes.

  • Of course…and we encourage you do so if that is part of your service passion. Please note that Humanity Rising currently does not issue “group” scholarship awards. So, you and other members of your group project must individually submit your service story to Humanity Rising for scholarship consideration. We’ll announce via our newsletter and web

  • Our programs TYPICALLY run on what is known as a “rolling” scholarship schedule. This means we’ll review service stories as submitted and announce scholarship winners at different times throughout the year. So, unless you see a specific service challenge posted with a submission deadline, feel free to submit your service story at any time for

  • This is entirely up to you. We want you to find your service passion under any of our ten major cause categories. Your project could be volunteering at a local animal shelter (Animal Welfare), mentoring a younger student (Education), or organizing a beach / park clean-up project (Environment). Just ask “What Cause Inspires You?” then

  • Check out our What Cause Inspires You and other podcasts to get service ideas and connect with like-minded students– perhaps you’ll find a service story that inspires you to do the same in your community. If you need help, reach out to your family, teachers / counselors, or others about your desire to perform service